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Can opera reach kids? YES! 

mark and carrie.png

Tenor Mark Daniels and soprano Carrie Zugelder performing a selection of popular opera arias and holiday music, accompanied by Rob Goodling. At right, students clap as they watch the video of the performance.

Recently our Holiday Bravo Nights Concert video was played for groups of grade school children at Helendale School in Irondequoit. They were so engaged with it!


Here are some of their delightful and insightful questions and comments:


From the teacher:

They have never heard opera and they are clapping after every song!


From the young students:

Are they married?

Why is she singing with him?

Is that his wife?

Her dress is so pretty!

How does he sing like that?

He doesn't even need a microphone his voice is so loud!

He's amazing!

I've never heard this kind of music!

Is his mom in the audience?

Is he older than you?

Is he your son?

Where did he learn to sing like that?

I wish I could sing like that!

I never heard silent night like that- that's awesome!


Click here to experience this beautiful and moving event of beautiful seasonal music.

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